Marketing Promo. (Client - IDS Group)
Produced to inform clients of changes in technology and new services offered
by this national security company.
Christmas Message. (Client - MADE TV)
"Don't forget others at christmas" was the message, this promo was
televised in 2014 over 4 regional TV stations .
Children's Story Time. (Client - Alice's Bear Shop)
World renowned children's author Ricki Austin has her books made in to
visual story time with BSL for hearing impaired children.
Aerial Survey. (Client - Great North Run)
Produced to give the client a record of equipment positioning, also used as
opening footage for television programme.
Marketing Promo. (Client - Lumley Castle)
Produced as part of a portfolio of shots for the venue. Video as well as
photographs were taken
Virtual Studio Showreel. (Client - )
An example of the types of virtual studio which can be achieved in-house
using our mobile studio equipment.
Marketing Promo. (Client - South Tyneside Council)
Has been used in many marketing drives for the Council to promote the region.
Marketing Promo. (Client - BT)
This 18 month contract recorded the building of a new regional headquater's
for BT .
Social Media Advert. (Client - Day8 Productions)
To promote Les Miserables (schools edition) for a North East theatre school .
Panto Advert. (Client - Customs House Theatre)
Regional television advert promoting this years panto .
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